SGC Departmental Contacts

01454 868000 Street Care
Street cleaning and lighting, traffic management, open spaces, waste and recycling
01454 868001 Environmental health and trading standards
Environmental protection, pollution, food health and safety, health promotion, animal health, licensing, trading standards and pest control.
01454 868002 Benefits
Enquiries relating to housing or council tax benefits, including new claims and change in circumstances.
01454 868003 Council tax
Council tax queries and change to address.
01454 868004 Planning and transportation
Planning applications, building control, development control, tree preservations, highway planning, road safety, transport, concessionary travel and the blue badge scheme.
01454 868005 Housing
Social housing enquiries, homelessness, landlord and housing related support services.
01454 868006 Leisure and libraries
Libraries, including book renewal, sports facilities, museums and the arts.
01454 868007 Adult care
Adult and social care in the community.
01454 868008 Children and young people
Children and young people’s education, youth, childcare, child and family support services.
01454 866000 Concerns about a child
If you have ANY concerns about possible abuse it MUST be reported.
To report possible abuse or neglect or for general advice please call 01454 86 6000
If a child or young person is in immediate danger then please dial 999 and ask for police assistance.

Become a forum member

Join the Forum

Town & Parish Councils often have a ‘common cause’ needing discussion with South Glos Council or WECA for information, action or suggested change.  Membership of the Town & Parish Council Forum is free and Clerks & Councillors can participate. Forum meetings give the chance to look key SGC decision makers in the eye and get a response or a promise of a way forward.

If your Council hasn’t participated and you’d like to find out more please contact one of the team .