The West of England is one of the UK’s most prosperous regions and we want to make it even better.

The West of England Combined Authority (WECA) is made up of three of the councils in the region – Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire.

WECA also supports the Local Enterprise Partnership, which is business-led, and covers the four West of England councils, including North Somerset Council. Together, our aim is to deliver economic growth for the region and address some of our challenges, such as productivity and skills, housing and transport.

WECA is chaired by Tim Bowles (Conservative), the West of England Mayor, who was elected in May 2017. He and the Combined Authority have been given powers over spending, previously held by central government, on the region’s transport, housing, adult education and skills.

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Town & Parish Councils often have a ‘common cause’ needing discussion with South Glos Council or WECA for information, action or suggested change.  Membership of the Town & Parish Council Forum is free and Clerks & Councillors can participate. Forum meetings give the chance to look key SGC decision makers in the eye and get a response or a promise of a way forward.

If your Council hasn’t participated and you’d like to find out more please contact one of the team .