
The South Gloucestershire Compact

The Compact is an agreement between the public sector and voluntary and community sector organisations (VCS) in South Gloucestershire. It sets out a way of working together to strengthen the relationship between the sectors, for the benefit of residents and communities.

About the forum

About the South Gloucestershire Compact

In November 1998, the Government formally recognised the essential contribution of the Voluntary and Community Sector to the work of public sector organisations in local areas; this resulted in the launch of the National Compact. This document set out a number of commitments relating to how the Government and the voluntary and community sector should work together, with the aim of strengthening relationships and improving partnership working between the two sectors.

South Gloucestershire produced its own local Compact Getting it Right Together” in November 2004 “. The latest update was published in July 2014, when it was adopted by the South Gloucestershire Partnership

For more information click here

July 2022 – Details of Compact update plans presented to Forum  Appendix 1 Compact Presentation

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Town & Parish Councils often have a ‘common cause’ needing discussion with South Glos Council or WECA for information, action or suggested change.  Membership of the Town & Parish Council Forum is free and Clerks & Councillors can participate. Forum meetings give the chance to look key SGC decision makers in the eye and get a response or a promise of a way forward.

If your Council hasn’t participated and you’d like to find out more please contact one of the team .